Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Planting fruit trees

fruid trees
Planting fruit trees useful as green plants, can also serve as a production plant, because it can produce fruit that can be consumed, planting fruit trees to be an interesting, and certainly never been and wanted to be done by every human being, even planting fruit trees can also be a a symbolic ceremony,

If we actually look at all the plants have fruit, but the fruit crops are usually consumed or bad for us to eat plants that need sorting are usually distinguishable from the name of the fruit itself

Land Preparation

• Make-sized holes as deep as 60 cm, width 60 cm, length  60 cm
• Give manure or organic fertilizer,
• hole let stand for at least 1 week
• Buy fruit seeds that we want, and make sure the fresh crop conditions
• Plants characterized by the absence of fresh roots is lost
• Fresh plant leaf marked with a no limp
• size of the plants that we put the range while in tow 12 cm to 2 meters

Planting fruit trees

In fruit crops need to consider some of the following
• Put the plant into the hole that had been prepared
• Open polybag or opening by wrapping torn media with a knife,
• Hoard with red soil up to 3/4 part of the hole
• Provide support to the fruit seeds we planted with bamboo least 3 buffer
• Tie a string buffer bamboo fibers
• In this tie please note plants do not get scratched or chipped plant stems

Price of fruit plants

Fruit crop prices vary, there are certain types of fruit crops that are expensive, there are fruit crops whose prices were adan there are also fruit plants are cheap, but the price depends on the actual fruit or the item itself the fruit seeds, plants lush and fruitful , but the position of the plant was still in the pot, that such price will be high priced

Are you an existing orchard fruit trees, and if you are interested in planting fruit trees?

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