Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

The Rosy flowers of Ariza Brownea Benth

Ariza Brownea Benth flower
The rosy flower of Ariza Brownea Benth. is one kind of plant of the family Fabaceae (Legumes), sub-family Caesalpinioideae. With characteristic morphological medium-sized tree, 9-12 m, with a canopy shaped like an umbrella, with leafy branches are long, wide and hang that tend to hit the ground. Leaves alternate-paripinnate, with a length up to about 60 cm, dark green color, which consists of 6-12 pairs of oval-shaped leaves with sharp edges, young leaves air pink at first. Cauliflorous inflorescence, which appears on the trunk or main branches, seen hanging between dedauanan. Flowers are large, 12-18 cm diameter, very interesting color from orange to bright red with outstanding stamina. Unfortunately the flowers only lasting a few days before the wither.

This plant can be propagated by seeds and stem cuttings, often used as outdoor ornamental plants, start flowering from the age of 4 years. The wood is very hard and resistant to termite attacks, used mainly as a building material and craft. Parts of the plant can be utilized in a variety of traditional medicine, especially bark contains a powerful haemostatic.
is one kind of plant of the family Fabaceae (Legumes), sub-family Caesalpinioideae. With characteristic morphological medium-sized tree, 9-12 m, with a canopy shaped like an umbrella, with leafy branches are long, wide and hang that tend to hit the ground. Leaves alternate-paripinnate, with a length up to about 60 cm, dark green color, which consists of 6-12 pairs of leaves oblong-lanceolate shaped with sharp edges, young leaves air pink at first. Cauliflorous inflorescence, which appears on the trunk or main branches, seen hanging between dedauanan. Flowers are large, 12-18 cm diameter, very interesting color from orange to bright red with outstanding stamina. Unfortunately the flowers only lasting a few days before the wither. Do you interest with the rosy flowers of
Ariza Brownea Benth

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